Saturday, July 12, 2014

M82 - Image Stacking

Now that I have a successful reading routine to read the images, I can process them. I have written some home image stacking routines to show how relatively simply this can be done to an amateur.

This post will be long. If you want to see the end result, just scroll to the bottom.
Please click the images to see the actual photo in full quality.

The problem
Astronomers are always starved for light. We want to capture as much light (signal) as possible to help reduce the noise. It turns out the first easy solution to capturing as much light as possible is just to leave the camera exposed to the image for hours on end. However, this does not work for two reasons:
  1. Tracking systems are imperfect and the image will have shifted during the course of the measurement. This will end up with the well known star trail like effects. I will explain this soon.
  2. Your detector actually saturates at a maximum value. You can think of each pixel in your camera as a mini detector. Now imagine as a bucket for light. It can only capture so many photons of light until the bucket starts to overflow. After this point it makes no sense to fill your bucket further because you won't be able to count the extra photons you've caught.
Now let's visit each of these caveats before we move on to the solution.

Tracking systems aren't perfect
The first thing all amateur astronomers learn is that, tracking systems aren't perfect. If you want to have pristine tracking, it takes a lot of work (even with the more modern GOTO mounts). Time and resources are not a leisure for hobbyists and this is a known problem.
Take a look at M82 here. The second image was taken about 1-2 min after the first. I tried my best in perfecting the tracking and I used a Celestron C8 AVX which is an equitorial GOTO mount. Still no luck, there's always a shift... You can see them below.

M82 - one image

M82 - another image. The shift relative to the previous image is marked by the arrow.
So we see there is a shift and we'd like to correct for it. It turns out this shift is not that big, approx 1/5th of a pixel per second. Thus if I expose the camera for 10 seconds, the image will have moved at most 2 pixels or so. This can actually be corrected for quite easily. Before explaining the correction, let's discuss the second problem: that of image saturation.

Image Saturation
A good example of image saturation (that isn't a star) is one our our planets: Saturn. The planets are some of the brightest objects in the sky. No wonder the word comes from the greek word astēr planētēs which means "wandering star". They're one of the brightest "stars" in the sky but oh... such rebels!

So what happens if I overexpose the image? See for yourself (units are arbitrary):
Overexposed Saturn Image

A cross section of the overexposed image.
 Take a look at the image. Near the center of the object, all the values look to have the same color. Even worse, by looking at a cross section, you see that they are the same! This is the result of overexposure. The little "buckets" of light in your camera can only gather so much energy before it spills over. Each little bucket here could only hold so much before it could not report any more signal. So how do you correct for this issue? Easy, you read out multiple images before these buckets "spill over," as will be described next.

How do you correct for this?
Now how would one go about correcting for this? The correction is actually a two-piece process:
  1. Take multiple images of shorter exposure before the light buckets spill over, and before the image shifts appreciably.
  2. Re-shift the images back in position and then average them.
The first piece is simple. I have taken here 10 second exposures. This is enough to avoid both saturation and star trails. The second piece is explained in two steps:
1. The shifting process
2. The averaging process

First Step: The image shifting process
One method is simple, you can manually shift each image so that it looks like it overlays on top of the image. But how do you know when you've shifted by just the right amount? Easy: Just take the absolute value of the difference of the two images. Here is a result of the absolute value of the difference of two M82 images shown earlier and look at just one star:

M82 difference of two images, zoom in on a star.

The shift is now pretty clear. It looks to be 5 pixels in x and 23 pixels in y. Now, let's shift these images by this amount and take the difference again:

Difference of two images of M82, where the second is shifted by 5 pixels in x and 23 pixels in y.
We can see the image now looks almost to be zero (although not perfect). Now, a sensible solution would be to have a program try to take the absolute value of the difference of images for a few values, and check to see where there is a minimum. Where you find your minimum will be the region that the image has most likely shifted. A sensible solution.

It turns out there is a slightly better and quicker trick using fourier transforms, but I have run out of time. I will post it later with code and examples. Anyway, so for now we have some way of determining the shift of the images numerically.

Second step: average them!
So now, you have a sequence of images, and you also have a method of shifting them back in place. In other words, you have a sequence of the same image. So what next?
Images will always contain noise, like it or not, which will amount to graininess in your images. There is an easy way to reduce this graininess. It is well known in statistics that to reduce the noise in any measurement, all you need to do is make the same measurement again and again and average the results together. Say you averaged 10 measurements together. If each measurement was truly independent, then your noise (graininess) will be reduced by a factor of 1/sqrt(10) where "sqrt" means "the square root of".  If you have N images, then your noise is reduced by 1/sqrt(N). Remember, this only holds for independent measurements.

Here is an example. I take a cross section of M82 and I plot it below. I then take the average of 20 independent measurements of M82 and plot the cross section in red. The graininess (noise) appears to have been reduced by 1/sqrt(20) or approximately 1/5th. So it works!


The Final Result
So there you have it. Now let's see what happens when we apply this to M82 as below:

M82 - One image 800ISO 10 s exposure with Nikon D90, converted to grayscale, byte-scaled between 60 and 100 ADU. Click to see the actual photo!

 And shift+stack it:

M82 - Stacked images at 800ISO 10 s exposure with Nikon D90, converted to grayscale, byte-scaled between 60 and 100 ADU. Click to see the actual photo!
Voila! A much nicer image. Note that this has been done with only 20 images, in grayscale and an extremely light polluted (McGill Observatory) area. It would be interesting to compare the same measurements (on the same day, with same moon phase) both at the heart of light polluted montreal and its darker rural skies.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Astrophotography Part 4 - The Color Matrix

Log Entry
The Color Matrix

This will be the last piece in a series of entries dedicated to unencoding the Nikon Images. I mentioned in the previous post how to huffman decode the image. It turns out, that each value decoded for each pixel is still not the final value for each pixel in the image. Before I mention the extra piece missing, let's go into how digital cameras record color.

The Nikon D90 is a color camera. This means that it registers not only brightness information, but color as well. We learn in kindergarten that most of all colors we see can be made up of a linear combination of three primary colors: red, green and blue. So the simple way to obtain a color image is to have a set of three images containing the intensity for each the red, green and blue colors. 

So how do you take a red, green and blue image? A simple solution is simply to take three separate images. Before taking each, place a red filter, then a green filter, then a blue filter.

It turns out that this simple picture in CCD cameras is not that practical. How do you insert the filter? How do you switch it fast enough so that you can take three images for the price of one?

Bryce Bayer, while working for Eastman Kodak, found a solution for colour digital cameras. First, let’s discuss the way digital cameras work. Digital cameras measure an image focused on a chip with mini detectors we call pixels. Each pixel basically registers the intensity of the light impinging on it with some units we usually arbitrarily label as Analog to Digital Units (ADU).

The idea Bayer introduced is to have each pixel dedicated to measuring only one of the three primary colors, with twice as many measuring green as opposed to red and blue to mimic the human eye. This was simple to implement as all that was necessary was to permanently place a filter on each pixel. One could then use simple interpolation techniques to then recover the colour information for the rest of the pixels. He may have passed away 1.5 years ago, but his legacy is in 99% of cameras today.

Here is a sample Bayer Matrix of what I believe the Nikon images contain (after some playing around):

Sample Bayer Matrix from the Nikon D90.

In this matrix, you see one 2x2 matrix repeated throughout the whole CCD chip.

Back to the RAW Image
The reason why I am discussing the color matrix here is that it turns out, when reading the RAW image from the Nikon D90, each value obtained is actually the difference to add in for a previous value. Here goes, this will be a little complicated. I will try to point out the key points but you may need to do a little bit of work to get this on your own (basically, I don't have much time):

Read the first huffman byte sequence based on the tree in a previous post. Next, read that number of bits as your value. When you obtain the value, follow the following rule. If:
1. The leading bit of this value is zero: Subtract 2^len from it (where len is the length of the bitstream)
2. The leading bit is not zero: keep it as is.

Next, this value needs to be summed to the previous value. The previous value is defined by the following rule:
1. If the current pixel is within the first two rows and the first two columns: (first Bayer matrix element) The previous value is defined as the value from the vpred matrix obtained with the linearization curve. This matrix is a 2x2 matrix and is obtained with the linearization curve. A summary will be written eventually (not yet, when I have time). You may find information on vpred here for now.
2. If the current pixel is not within the first two rows but within the first two columns: The previous value is defined as the previous element in the Bayer matrix (that is the previous element two rows above here).
3. If the current pixel is not within the first row or the first column: The previous value is defined as the previous element in the Bayer matrix horizontally to the left (so two columns back)

There you go. Now all you need to do is for each pixel, follow the leading bit rule and sum the previous value to it which is defined by the rules above.

If you think about it, this makes sense. One would always expect a pixel close by not to differ by much, so you save space by saving pixel differences as opposed to pixel values. Note with these rules, you are always forced to add the difference to a pixel not more than 2 pixels away. The underlying logic is much simpler than the explanation.

Here is a slightly edited version of dcraw's code to point out what needs to be done:
for(row = 0; row < imgheight; row++){
     for (col=0; col < imgwidth; col++) {
      len = gethuff(huff);//read the next huff from byte sequence
      diff = (getbits(len));//get the next len bits
      if ((diff & (1 << (len-1))) == 0)
        diff -= (1 << len); //subtract 2^len if leading bit zero
      if (col < 2)  //if in the first two columns

           hpred[col] = (vpred[row & 1][col] += diff);
      else         hpred[col & 1] += diff;//else      

 //RAW is index into raw image, curve is the interpolation from 
//the value based on the linearization curve. you can ignore the 
//latter step and always do the interpolation later.
RAW(row,col) = curve[LIM((short)hpred[col & 1],0,0x3fff)];


And that's it. To avoid any copyright issues, I must cite Dave Coffin and link to his full source code here.  (Click dcraw link in page)

One more small detail...
It turns out that the images you will read will be 4352 x 2868 pixels (the dimensions are also specified in the EXIF tags). The columns from 4311 to 4352 actually just contain garbage (or they look like garbage to me, very high values). I just ignore them and use a 4310 x 2868 sub image. Note that this is still larger than the maximum resolution of the Nikon D90 (4,288 × 2,848 pixels from wikipedia), but who cares, it looks like good data. It is probably good to keep this in mind though.

Interpolating from Bayer to RGB
A simple way to interpolate the image is convert each 2x2 element to an RGB pixel and I will do this for all my pictures here.
The dimensions of the Nikon raw images are 4352 x 2868. So for these images, my final resolution will be 2176 x 1434 pixels. This is fine enough for me.

Here is some quick pseudo code to obtain each color from an image:
img = read_image();
RED = img(1::2,1::2);
GREEN = (img(2::2,1::2) + img(1::2,2::2))*.5;
BLUE = img(2::2,2::2);

Now let's see if it worked and just plot the gray image by calculating:

where min:max:skip is a notation meaning starting from index min up to max, skipping skip values every time. When left blank, min defaults to the beginning, max to the end and skip to 1 (so don't skip). 

Let's try this with a moon image I took:

The moon at 800 ISO 1/4000 s exposure with the Nikon D90.
And voila.

This concludes the image reading portion of the Nikon images. Any questions, feel free to comment. If you are interested in source code, please comment. I can include Dave Coffin's code with a diff file showing how to make it just a raw image reader.

I will try to write up a reference sort of like here but a little more complete so the next person will not feel as frustrated as I did. Good luck!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Nikon D90 - Dark Analysis

Before I begin, I will introduce a piece of notation.
Log Entry ####: - Specifies a log entry
Summary Entry #####: - Specifies a summary

This blog is mostly a logbook but every once in a while I will try to summarize a few interesting things discovered along the way that may be beneficial to others. The following entry is a log entry.

Nikon D90 Dark Analysis
Log Entry Friday July 4th, 2014 8:14pm  

I have ended up interfacing Dave Coffin's dcraw C code into yorick. It took a bit of time to figure out which pieces were essential and which not. I will not post it here just to avoid any copyright issues, but I'll post a summary of the steps later. It is open source but he does request the full source code to be available. If you would like to see it, please comment here or contact me and I will reply.

What I can say is that his code is wonderful and efficient (although obfuscated). If starting to read any raw image, I recommend using his code and interfacing it into your matlab or yorick environment as a starting point. The main piece you need is the call to "load_raw", just look for that in the main function.

Before plotting any images, I first look at the dark images. In this example, I turn the RAW image into a black and white image. Basically, I take the RGB information and just sum them. Here they are:

400 ISO dark near 0 degrees Celsius for a 10 second exposure. This is an average of 6 darks. The inset is the plot of the intensity along the red line (in ADU).
800 ISO dark near 0 degrees Celsius, for a 10 second exposure. This is an average of 5 darks. The inset is the plot of the intensity along the red line (in ADU).

What I would like to point out is how nice these dark images are. The average ADU levels are very close to zero (the dynamic range of the RAW images is 0 to 4096 ADU per pixel). Keep in mind this is a 10 second exposure as well. From now on, I will ignore the dark images since it turns out that the images themselves will have a much higher signal.